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Freshly baked, homemade games for PC
June 2011
The end of Autonomy in the first person shooter
March 2011
Widescreen issues in Blitz3D
Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose: The keys to a compelling game?
September 2010
Moving Pixels on Sierra vs LucasArts
August 2010
How not to make a fighting game, part 2
June 2010
First impressions of a Git
James Bond archetypes
Why are video game movies so awful?
Wing Commander II Retrospective
Simplified acceleration in games
May 2010
Random Dungeons
Are games art?
April 2010
Finishing creative projects
My theory of what a story is
February 2010
The Global Game Jam 2010: Lessons learned
January 2010
How not to make a fighting game
December 2009
Duke Nukem Forever syndrome
August 2009
Art for programmers
Player's Only documentary: Video Games are Dead, Part 1
A method for creating difficulty levels
July 2009
BlitzMax coder magazine: First issue
June 2009
Bug report and feature request flow
May 2009
Game programming stack
April 2009
Game making checklist
November 2008
The Escapist on Second Hand games
The Escapist on 'Finishing Games'
May 2008
Advice for people with game ideas #2
Advice for people with game ideas