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Cop Dog Review

"Harry Plinket", the mad genius behind the hour long Phantom Menace review, returns with what may be his funniest and most NSFW movie review ever.



hydra9's picture
Joined: 05/24/2009


Kirsty/alkaline-kiwi (not verified)

The worrying thing about it is that Erik has watched it at least twice (the review), and now I quote the "it wouldn't be called dollar store cashier wife, it'd be called "f*** off! ghost!"

My favourite line of the review.

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Agreed regarding favourite line. I think my favourite scene though, was the Cat cooking show. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

hydra9's picture
Joined: 05/24/2009

Pure genius. I might have to watch it again.

Also, am I missing something or has this guy done disappointingly few reviews? The 'Half In The Bag' episodes don't count.

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Yeah, he has only done a few reviews, but he normally does very long ones. His reviews of the Star Wars prequels are comparable in length to the prequels themselves.

I'm not sure that those ones were as funny as this one was, but they are a lot more profound and thought provoking. He does a great job of analysing all of the core faults with the prequels, including characters, plot and effects (Jar Jar barely gets mentioned).

Also, remember the part from this review where he tries to describe several diferent dog movies all at the same time? I accidentally stumbled upon that scary effect myself when I opened five different parts of the Star Wars review on Youtube all at the same time!