Noah More Heroes
Submitted by admin on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 21:00(Description by Michael Schaeffers)
Global warming has resulted in most of the world being flooded. The highest point on Earth is now the only island left, populated by cows and pigs, or as Noah calls them, beef and pork.
It's a race against time for Noah to build his ark and collect enough animals to sustain himself while he waits out the flood.
But that's not his only problem; there are also many pirates who are out to get Noah. Defend your ship, eat the animals, and survive the flood.
Actually, I didn't write that description... I thought it was Michael.
Ah, crap. Thanks for pointing that out, I've flicked Michael an email asking if he wrote it.
Great mini-game and a very creative idea :)
Thanks, I appreciate it :)