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Earok at Overload

Overload is the upcoming Auckland expo for local manga/comic artists and fans. The last few years have been brilliant and this promises to be the greatest ever.

This year I have been fortunate enough to secure a two day Gold Table for the event to share with a couple of others. The main purpose of me getting a table to promote the site and my games by selling cased CD copies of the upcoming Earok's Arcade 2011 collection.

All of my games include a lot of content authored by others, which is the main reason why I am writing this post. I don't plan to exploit the work that you've generously provided. The current games on the site are free and will continue to be free, the cost I'm charging is for the disc/packaging/table and I intend to more or less break even. Technically, the BSD-esque licences that I released the games under don't exclude anyone from selling copies. But, if you do have an objection to me selling games that includes content that you made, please let me know and we'll get it sorted out.

Finally, if you want me to mail you a physical copy of the Earok's Arcade 2011 collection, leave a comment. I'll make sure I reserve at least ten copies for the first people to ask.

Edit - Depending on the availability of power, my table will have the laptop running the whole time. All of my games should have full XBox 360 controller support by then, so I will be able to allow the crowd to play (Unless there's too much foot traffic around the table to allow it, in that case I'll just run a rolling demo).



Sam (not verified)

Sounds good! Hope it goes well. Will you have a laptop or something there to run a trailer / demo the games?

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Cheers Sam.

Actually I should have talked about the laptop in the body of the text, so I'll add it.

Joined: 05/18/2009

Hey, I'd like a copy of it, but I'd like to pay for it too (at least the cost for shipping). =) Good luck at Overload!

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Thanks mate, I've got you down as number one on my list of people to send a copy to. I'll email you closer to the time with what the approximate shipping cost will be.