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30 days of me, day 27

Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

  1. Kirsty and some of her friends, and lots of Kiwi bloggers are doing it, so why not?
  2. I'm a "Goal Junkie" (Thanks Arran :P)
  3. In the hope that the answers I post are interesting to someone.
  4. As John Dufresne said "We don’t write to be understood, we write to understand." By posting these 30 answers I am learning more about myself as well.


Joined: 05/05/2009

NP. I gave you some other goals but you weren't desperate enough. Like 100 pushups.

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

I'm actually doing the 100 pushups. Well, sort of. I've been repeating the first week (third stream, approx 40-60 pushups three times a week) for the third time. I don't quite feel confident enough to tackle the second week yet.


Have you done it yet?

Joined: 05/05/2009

Na. I have been meaning to. Although I need to kick up my exercise schedule again.. Some how. Just don't want to be exhausted at work though.

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

*ahem* there is an "after work" location in space/time where exhaustion isn't as unhelpful :P

Seriously though, you could just do what I do.. repeat one stream of the first week until you get into the groove.

On that topic.. I don't actually feel like I'm getting much stronger. I thought being borderline-obese might actually help (due to increased resistance) but perhaps the weight is just too much for my muscles to cope with right away?

Joined: 05/05/2009

Yeah fair enough.. I had actually done exercise before and after work. Both leave me very tired for the rest of the week. I want to wait a bit before I get into the swing of it again. I have enough trouble sleeping these days as is.

But good to hear that you are building up muscel, or at least believe you are! :P