Derelict Dev Post #39: Not quite done!
Submitted by Earok on Sat, 06/28/2008 - 17:40
The mutant monsters are getting a little too close for comfort...
Yes, I know I promised i'd have it done this week but..
I'm going to delay it one more week to give it a bit more polish. I haven't spent as much time developing it recently as i'd have liked to (I blame getting Blazing Angels for Wii) BUT I will release it next Sunday, after July's Auckland Game Works meetup (12pm - RVB Bar on K'Road).
So, new stuff since last time:
- Craig from the Blitz3D forums has been doing professional quality furniture meshes (pictured) to replace my rather amateurish ones. As a fellow Blitz3D developer he was able to also help me fix a bug in the engine. Thanks Craig!
- Kristie has been working away at sounds and music for Derelict. They're fantastic - her music is first class, and the sounds make the game world feel more natural.
- Squad icons now have alert colours (also pictured). They turn yellow when a Marine is firing, and red when a Marine is being injured. This will instantly alert the player as to what's going on with his squad.
- Misc bug fixes, particularly with widescreen modes and the new multiview.