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Battlesuit Dev Diary #5

This is the first blog entry that I have posted from the train on my way home from work. They finally have wi-fi, unfortunately time and bandwidth is extremely limited so I'm going to have to make this quick.

Finally, a screenshot! Huzzah. This is a rough version of the Shizuoka Prefecture (based on heightmap data sourced via Google Earth, I might do a tutorial for how I did this as I've seen tutorials for UDK, train sim etc but not one that's Unity specific) which is the setting for the first three levels of the game. The mountain you can see in the background is Mt Fuji.

Other than that, I've been extremely slack. Things are progressing but very slowly, I'm only about 15% of the way through my second draft of the shareware story script (the first draft took two weeks to do, in total. I'm already five weeks into "development" on this version). I am a lot happer with what I've been writing for the second draft but I still find it cheesy crap - though I shouldn't really care about that at this stage anyway, polish can come later. Now that I've posted one screenshot, I should probably continue posting them for the rest of development, which will definitely help me progress on the core game.

Not sure how much time or bandwidth I have left so I had better leave it here. Stay tuned.
