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Untouchables SE

Untouchables SE
Untouchables SE
Untouchables SE
Untouchables SE

Untouchables is a fairly typical movie tie in, with a range of different gameplay styles representing various scenes from the film.


  • Dark Atari ST palette fixed
  • Both SFX and Music on all levels except 2
  • Difficulty tweak on level 3: All alleys have 5 more seconds
  • F10 cheat always enabled - press F10 at main menu to skip level

CD32 version controls (may be unreliable, real keyboard recommended)

  • BLUE = Enter (High Score)
  • GREEN = Select SFX+Music or Music
  • YELLOW = Skip level (From title screen)
  • PLAY = Pause

WARNING: From level 3 onward, the game is very unreliable on faster Amigas. Stock A500, CD32 or A1200 recommended.

NOTE: Dying on a level means that you replay from that level, not from the beginning of the game. This is not changed from how the original game functioned.
